A beautiful, locally listed, end of terrace house in at the Tufnell Park Conservation Area that was starting to feel a bit crowded. Having just had their third child, the owners asked Robert Rhodes Architects to help them with a fundamental re-think of how the house could work for them: how they could get a bit more space, and how they could reorganise the space they have to suit the bigger family.

The plan was to alleviate the pressure on the bottom two floors by way of a slender, two-storey extension to the side, allowing for a more useful arrangement for the house. Wood floor was chosen for large parts of the house to achieve a contemporary but warm environment. The ground floor changed into a suite of rooms for the parents, with the most private rooms at the back and the most public at the front.

A supply only project.

Project: Residential

Architect: Robert Rhodes

Contractor: ProjectsTen Ltd

Floor: Istoria Bespoke Wide Board

Specification: Oak Character, 21/6mm x 220mm x 2200mm

Photos: Chris Snook